You Gave Me The Answer - Have you had any meaningful encounters with animals?

'Ram' album cover. Photo by Linda McCartney

Hello, spring! The days are getting longer and we’re ready to see sunnier skies ahead. At this time of year, it’s easy to be more aware of the natural world around us, whether it’s the green shoots emerging from grass, early birdsong, or, if you live in the countryside, the sight of baby farm animals frolicking in fields! 

Paul is no stranger to the countryside goings-in – he has often spoken about escaping to his farm in Scotland for respite in the aftermath of The Beatles’ break-up, and the song ‘When Winter Comes’ from his most recent album McCartney III describes the farm work he takes on at home. In fact, when he’s not touring and playing to audiences all over the world, Paul spends a lot of time at home in the ‘Heart of the Country’!

So, with the seasons changing, we were intrigued to ask Paul this question which comes from Will on Facebook…

Will: Given that you live on a farm for a lot of time, what are some of the special encounters that you've had with animals?

Paul: We used to have rescue-deer, and one day I needed to move one from one paddock into another. So I thought, “Well, I'll just pull him in there! I'll just get hold of his antlers,” - he was a
male – “And I’ll just pull him into the next paddock.” Oh, they are strong! This ended up like as a wrestling match with me and this guy. I didn't realise how strong he was. I think I did get him into the paddock eventually, but after quite a struggle. With Easter coming up, and lambing season, we wondered if you've ever birthed a lamb? Or if you’ve helped birth one?

Paul: Yeah. You occasionally do that when you live in the countryside. The person who's done that recently is Arthur, my grandson, who's been brought up around the farm. He lived in London but visited the farm a lot and so is used to being around sheep and stuff. Well, he and his mum, Mary, were horse riding one day when they noticed a sheep was lambing, and it looked like she was having trouble. So Arthur got down off his horse and helped to birth the lamb, which was very slow. I was most impressed, ‘cause it's a bit of a messy job! But I thought that was very good of him. That’s my most recent ‘lamb story’.

Well done, Arthur! Don’t forget, you can submit your questions to Paul via the Paul McCartney Official Fan Group on Facebook, or by contacting us on other social media platforms using the
handle @paulmccartney.