You Gave Me The Answer: Have you ever been inspired by Mozart?

Black and white photo of Paul conducting an orchestra

It’s prom season! And no, we don’t mean the high school dances – we’re talking about The BBC Proms, an annual celebration of classical music that takes place here in the UK. For eight weeks every summer, the UK plays host to the world’s best classical musicians and fill the Royal Albert Hall in London with nightly performances.

Paul has turned his talent to classical work in the past, with his first major composition Liverpool Oratorio premiering in 1991 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra. Since then Paul has released a host of notable works, from Standing Stone in 1997 to Working Classical in 1999, Ecce Cor Meum in 2006 and Ocean Kingdom in
2011. Just this month, UK radio station Classic FM played ‘Celebration. Andante’ from Paul’s Standing Stone composition on air – so if you want to hear more of Paul’s compositions on the radio, you can go ahead and request them! 

Some of Paul’s rock songs have classical influences too. Over the years, Paul has highlighted two tracks in particular that have been influenced by the composer Bach: solo work ‘Jenny Wren’ and Beatles favourite ‘Blackbird’. But was Bach the only influence, or has Paul perhaps been inspired by another great composer such as Mozart in other songs? We conducted a chat with Paul to find out… You’ve mentioned in the past that the opening notes of ‘Blackbird’ were inspired by Bach. Has Mozart ever factored into any of your compositions?

Paul: Not in a specific way, like with ‘Blackbird’. In that instance, it was a piece of Bach’s music that inspired us ( For those wondering, it’s Bourrée in E minor!), and I stole from that.

With Mozart, I often remember something he’s supposed to have said: “I use the notes that love each other.” I’m paraphrasing, but that’s the sentiment. And I agree! In a great chord certain notes love each other. So that’s my main Mozart inspiration. 

Want to listen to more of Paul’s classical works? We’ve collated a few favourites in this month’s ‘Sticking Out Of My Back Pocket’ playlist – listen here! And if you want to listen out for that influence in ‘Blackbird’ again, there are more ways to tune in than ever before, thanks to Beyoncé’s recent cover version and Paul’s solo acoustic performance as part of the One Hand Clapping – The Backyard release.

If you’ve got a question for Paul, ask it via the Paul McCartney Official Fan Group on Facebook, or by tagging @paulmccartney on social media.