


Movement II - He Awoke Startled - Sea Voyage



In sparking imperfection.
Tingling delights of air's fresh rush
Collide with grey cloud solitude
On desolate hazy morning shore
The first person singular wanted
He didn't know what.

Clapping flash of lightning
Illuminates far flat lines
Velvet wind on dark horizon
Sea of glass
Then there was a melody
Made like a memory. A sprinkling of bells
He sought the source.

Salt sea breezes quickened
A shift of silver lifted mist.
A crystal ship slipped and shone in sunlight.
Seduced he swam
To stand on deck
Wind spoke
And sucked the boat to sea
Soon land was left a world behind
As crystal bow fell onto swells:
Narcitic memory,
Untroubled troughs.

A withered wind's whisper scratched the deck.
Shivering elegance slivered in splinters,
Dissolved in dark as sun spat out.
Breathless lament in dissonant air
Chasms cough up chasms
Spun in wheels of black fog.
Hope so hard to float it sank.

Until a crack of blinding light broke through
and hauled the boat along a slinging slipway,
towards a dear blue sky.
And as before clear music lead the way.

White birds silent over crystal bow.
The vessel sped through beads of spray
That slapped his happy face; and filled his soul
With glory song.
His nostrils snorted blasts of ocean air.
"In thanks for my survival
I'll put up a monument of stone
Where I put in."

*Lyrics taken from the whole of Movement II - He Awoke Startled

Appears on

Standing Stone