


My Love



And when I go away
I know my heart can stay with my love
It's understood
It's in the hands of my love
And my love does it good
My love does it good

And when the cupboard's bare
I'll still find something there with my love
It's understood
It's everywhere with my love
And my love does it good
My love does it good

I love oh wo… My love
Only my love holds the other key to me
Oh… my love oh… my love
Only my love does it good to… me
My love does it good

Don't ever ask me why
I never say goodbye to my love
It's understood
It's everywhere with my love
And my love does it good
My love does it good

My love oh wo… My love
Only my love does it good to… me wo…

Appears on

Wings Greatest album cover

Wings Greatest

Album sleeve for 'Wings Over America'

Wings Over America

Red Rose Speedway (Archive Collection)

'All The Best!' Album Sleeve

All The Best!

Paul Is Live

Good Evening New York City

'Back In The World' album artwork

Back In The World

Back In The U.S.

Wingspan: Hits And History

Working Classical

Red Rose Speedway Album Sleeve

Red Rose Speedway

Album sleeve 'Pure McCartney'

Pure McCartney

'Wings Over America (Archive Collection)' album sleeve

Wings Over America (Archive Collection)

The 7” Singles Box

Cover artwork for 'One Hand Clapping'

One Hand Clapping

“My Love” Single artwork as featured in 'The 7" Singles Box'

My Love